Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Posted by Hyman Weeks
I love to cook, and I do my best to change up my meals as often as possible. I’m lucky to have some fairly adventuresome eaters as children, and I take full advantage of that to make as many “grown-up” meals as I can! I have so many friends whose children will only eat chicken fingers, and the only way they’ll eat their vegetables is if they’re covered in Ranch dressing. I don’t know what I’d do with eaters like that, because my kids are basically forced to eat what I put in front of them. That being said, I do know my limits. I only make recipes that have been well received—either by my own children, or by reviewers’ children on one of my favorite recipe sites. I try to plan my meals and do all of my grocery shopping at once to make things easier. I’ll bookmark all the recipes for a week and then make lists off of that. I used to spend hours sitting at my desk at home planning all this out, but after doing a quick Google search for high speed internet provider High Point one day, I discovered that I could sign up for Clear internet, and make my lists on the go! I now bookmark my sites, open my laptop in the grocery store parking lot to jot down whatever items I need, and off I go! It’s such a huge time saver and makes my meal planning that much easier.

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