Saturday, March 31, 2012

Freaked out by alerts

Posted by Arden Wallace
My friend told me that any time she gets an ADT Security Alert, she definitely freaks out a little. I am surprised that it has happened so much to be honest. I think it is because she lives in a rough neighborhood or something. She has had the system for a while and has been alerted a handful of times about potential intruders and things of that nature. I always think it is nice that she even gets the liberty of being alerted when someone is breaking in or could be breaking in. It definitely makes sense to freak out the way she does though. I guess I probably would freak out since it is your house and some expensive stuff people are trying to find. I really cannot afford to replace some things multiple times. I mean we have a laptop for each member of our family. That was a big investment that I definitely cannot go through again. Something like a home security system seems worth it if you can avoid something that. I would take the freak outs over having to replace four expensive laptops.

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