Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Stay Tuned

It's late. Ok - maybe it's early (almost 2am). Which reminds me - my dad used to say - it's not late til 2 then it's 2 darn late.
I have alot more things that I want to create here, just not tonight.
Adoption and the total frustration that an adoptive family can face. The hoops that they sometimes have to jump through. Maybe I can call them "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly".
"Everything I learned, I learned from my critters."
"An interview with a Cop."
"Teach your children to..."
Delicious recipes are on there way too! You will not believe some of the meals you can create fast, easy and with your entire family.
"How to make meal time a fun time."
It's all on it's way. However, right now it is 2 and it is late. In just another second it will be 2 darn late.

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