Monday, September 03, 2007

Blog Carnival

Have you ever heard of a blog carnival? I somehow stumbled on someones blog that had a blog carnival. And of course, me being curious and all, I just had to see what a darn blog carnival was. I found out too. Not only did I find out, but I actually submitted an article and I was included in a blog carnival. How darn cool is that?!

You can check out the blog carnival that I was picked for. Down With The Kids. It's not what it sounds like, it's The Carnival of Family Life (by Kailani). A really cool blog!

If you are thinking about submitting some of your blog entries to a blog carnival (or 2 or more), then I say go for it. This is the link where you can get more info.
Blog Carnival.


karisma said...

Wow! Now thats a Carnival! I have filed that one away for later reading. There sure are a lot of posts to go through! Congratulations on getting chosen.

Alta said...

Awww thank you Karisma!