Saturday, October 20, 2007

A Very Relaxing Saturday

I love days like today. It actually reminded me of so many years ago with all my family gathered at my grandmothers house. Dinner on the table consisted of a baked ham, green Lima beans, carrots, biscuits, tomatoes, pears and pineapple slices, cottage cheese and delicious sweet tea. Superman and I told a few childhood stories to the boys while we ate dinner this afternoon. Oh yeah - dinner for us is the mid day meal. We call the evening meal, supper. We told our stories and the boys would laugh and they really seemed curious and wanted to hear more.
One of our memories was how we would eat and eat until we just couldn't hold another bite. Not just us, but the whole family. Then we would all lay around and nap for about an hour. After our nap, we would all wander off somewhere in the yard. Some of the adults mowing the lawn or sitting in the rocking chairs chatting. At some point we all managed to get a game of Croquet going. Pappy was at least 60 or 65 and he would beat us all - every time.

After dinner today, we all pitched in (as usual) to get the kitchen cleaned up. Once everything was done, we all headed in separate directions. I managed to find myself in the barn. I love it! I was able to clean up around the barn a little bit and play with the horses for a few minutes.

I let WW and MJ bake some cookies this evening. JD was playing with his matchbox cars in the dirt and he didn't want to come inside to bake cookies. I think it was because he knew he would have to get a shower and then not go back outside today. JD did come in and get a shower before WW and MJ were done with the cookies, so JD did get to help a little bit.

Tomorrow I am going to another paint class. I was going to cancel this one but Superman said that he wants me to go. I love that about him. One day I will take pictures of all of the paintings that I have done and put them on here for everyone to see. Yeah - one day. LOL

I think that right now I'm gonna head off to bed. First I have a date with the Tooth Fairy. Goodnight all!

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